Life Update!

Life Update!

The way God and I have been working on my life has been crazy. Getting grown woman things done, I've encountered some astonishing developments. But no worries, I’ll be back to join the fun more than ever now. Apparently, since leaving my hometown last, they’ve created a place where black women can now gain access to black hair care. Ross Lynch visited, AND someone crashed into the DMV. Talk about timing, right? I still wouldn’t change a thing for the world though. Growing older has brought clarity, revealing the myriad reasons why I find my hometown difficult to endure. Yes, I will speak my truth. Sometimes, personally? I’ve settled just because I thought that’s what you’re supposed to do. Reflecting on my upbringing in a small town rife with complacency, limited perspectives, blind ignorance, and prejudice - I was always ingrained with the saying “You get what you get & you don’t throw a fit”. Well here I am as a full-blown adult now, throwing a fit, and yeah, it feels pretty damn good. Getting more than I even prayed for, I grew up thinking the best thing for a woman to do was “get a good man, settle down and have lots of babies.” 🤠 The southern small-town mindset that I’m so happy didn’t stick. I was also told everything I was looking for in this move specifically was next to impossible. Now look at me, getting everything I wanted because God said I can. As a little black girl raised in a predominantly white college town, fulfilling basic needs often felt insurmountable. Experiences I once deemed normal as a child are now seen as unacceptable as a grown woman. I grew up with little girls telling me they didn’t want to play with me because “princesses aren’t brown” and told by teachers “that’s okay, if that’s their preference.” I remember going into counselors' offices asking for guidance on how to fill out scholarships for college & my degree and getting completely ignored and the other students helped. Being discriminated against in a dance class I took as a kid. Having grown women triple in age become my first bullies in my workplaces. Being reprimanded for LAUGHTER as a child. Having the people that claimed to “care” about me the most stay quiet during the BLM protests and instead post ranting about losing money to their “small businesses”. I THOUGHT I knew what a good friend was, I THOUGHT I had experienced a healthy relationship, I THOUGHT this was just normal living. Returning to my hometown I realized drains me of creative energy and almost all joy, even simply visiting. Highlighting the profound impact of one's environment on one's well-being. So I've concluded that that’s the last time I return, and I harbor zero regrets. Those days are now behind me since finding my people, my peace & my place in my life. However, it was such a good time catching up with the ones I love, and making new memories again for the year and a half I did come back to replace traumatic ones & to gain a sense of closure to a chapter that’s been closed for a while now. I realize just how steep of a contrast it is to where I’m at now, the first few times I moved I felt like I was treated like royalty in all honesty. The people were so sweet and kind. People compliment and smile at me genuinely almost every time I leave the house. People go out of the way to help if I need it. I work for myself from the comforts of my own home. I can afford the luxury lifestyle I have always wanted & working towards even more which is a surprise. I have no fear of my safety or what tomorrow brings. & To say I’m over the moon would be an understatement. I prayed VERBATIM for: “A fresh new beautiful space filled with natural lighting, a lot of space in a big balcony area, an extra safe neighborhood, with good people we can surround ourselves with.” God delivered all that and so MUCH more. Not only did I get a fresh new start. Our new home, meticulously newly renovated and never before occupied, boasts all the ample natural light, and a spacious balcony. I am right down the road from the cutest mom & pop flower shop. I can’t wait to drape my patio in my decor and plants. Its proximity to the police station ensures added security, while keeping my peace of mind. And my support system is beautiful and full of love now. So goodbye Stillwater, I wish I could say I’ll be sad to see you go permanently but I’m out for good.🤭 I will always love the good memories I did make during my childhood & the ones I did love, but not much else…at all. For safety reasons, I’m keeping our new location undisclosed, but rest assured, it's nothing short of perfection. I’m SO excited to unravel all my plans for the future and this journey. We did our big one at the start of this year in a different way than expected & it only is going to get better and surpass all my expectations. This year I'm going for insane elevation, I don’t even want to recognize myself come year 2025. I’m so ready. We’re gonna be straight, so it’s time to celebrate. Mwah on to the bigger, better and more beautiful life. 💋 Xoxo, Liv.

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